This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.                             the guys: philogynist jaime tony - the gals:raymi raspil


Michael considered fate at 13:46   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
hey jerg-off, nobody likes parquet or parkay or whatever you might like to call it to maybe make it sound better than it is: it's cheap knock-off wood flooring and it's annoying as fuck and when you try and tell me that it's nice wood flooring I'm littterally forcing my tongue up against the back of my teeth so hard that blood is spurting out between the cracks, I'm so angry with your insenstive forced-smile advertising campaign of destructive tendancies that I'm trying to hide this fact from you instead of exploding right there in front of you because you're so insidious as to not warrant knowing that your insidious.

and there is lousy water pressure too.

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