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Michael considered fate at 20:20   |   Permalink   |   Post a Comment
Over at Tony's he is covering the Miss Universe pagent pretty well with daily pics of the contestants. This one caught my eye:

Don't ask me why. It's.. umm. Well, good for them.

Personally, beauty pagents have always fascinated me in a way that's hard to describe. There are exactly too ingrained concepts I have of them. The first is white trash state fair child exploitation and the second is over-the-top worldwide televised contests like Miss Universe. Both of those aren't exactly what I would call "positive" concepts. Nevertheless, I'm probably a little over-the-top in my assumptions anyway so what do I know? The warm-and-fuzziest I've ever felt about a beauty pagent was when Kramer became a coach ("Poise, you've got to have poise!").

All that being said I won't lie, I'm looking at the pictures. My favourite passtime is to stare into their eyes and ask them "are you at all normal?" What is normal, anyway?

Over the last few years I've had about a gazillion roommates move in and out of my apartment and to tell the truth the really normal ones were a complete bore. The crazy vietnamese college kid who writes epic emails about killing inconsiderate fucks? Interesting. The jesus-bearded giant whose bass playing sees him travelling around the world (but who talks nothing but old video games when he gets drunk)? Interesting. The polish politcal science student who hits new york every few months to perform in plays (having wax poured on her), does nude photography, and makes her own tshirts? Definitely interesting. The Danish chef who studied in Italy, worked in France and London, and makes a mean filet mignon w/ pesto sauce? Well, at the very least, delicious.

So who care about normal? What's the fun in that I guess. I've spent the last few weeks alternating between guilt and remorse for my abnormal ways. I've tried to break my 6am-3pm sleep schedule and re-adjust to what my parents would consider "normal behaviour". I've considered getting a proper haircut (you know, one you pay for) and even considered not wearing the same pair of shorts every day but then, who cares about normal?

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Check out heroecs, the robotics team competition website of my old supervisor's daughter. Fun stuff!
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