I know that NPR is woefully funded and that the NEA is ever-dwindling and no, I don't personally support my member-support local station (I'm in another country for cripes sake) but come on come on come on, who thinks it is the right thing to do to charge for public radio show downloads on audible.com?
This American Life has finally given up on paid content and they're offering their show as a free podcast.. Or, just offering their show free for download. I guess they (and I) just feel obligating to use the shiny new lingo that gets forced on us.
By the way, American Public Media's
A Prairie Home Companion has been doing this at least since I was a wee lad in my first year of univeristy so grandfather-kudos to them.. but I see now that their
Marketplace morning report are free too (my favooourrriiite).
Now if Click and Clack would get their act together and offer more than lame real audio..