The BBC's Channel 4, in conjunction with a new show they are doing, has a nifty flash-based
Human Footprint Calculator. It's mildly informative if you like big numbers and the interface isn't bad to boot.
It warms the cockles of my entsy weensy leetle heart to see the likes of the BBC, the NY Times, and other
old media doing a relatively good job of producing informatically solid, visually appealing, and easily navigable "products". If you follow my links at all, you'll be familiar with offers such as the recent NY Times
Rent vs. Buy calculator.
Say what you will about the death of the print newspaper but with owner/publisher Arthur Sulzberger saying things like "I really don't know whether we'll be printing the Times in five years, and you know what? I don't care, either," well, does it matter? While traffic to "news-ish" sites like Yahoo, MSN, AOL, and CNN crushes the NYTimes, they are nevertheless the 25th heaviest trafficked of
all websites in the USA and the only true old media showing below 50 - unless you count tv in that group, like CNN.