The reality of things is that I haven't been too personal on here for a long long time and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I first started this shenanigan because I was bored and spent too much time in front of a computer. It was my own bit of navel gazing published on the web for all to enjoy, as navel gazers are wont to do. I used to write about
me all the time but I got to thinking that nobody wants to read about me. I'm just me. You're just you. These are pedestrian little things - you and me - meaningless flecks in the big macroscopic picture..
But then I got to thinking that this big picture is really a snapshot taken through some sort of lens. It's light-waves bent through various mediums. And I realized I'm a fleck of dust on that lens, potentially just as capable of screwing up a good shot as the sun, the moon, the stars, or that constable nearby whose got a homeland security chip on his shoulder.
Life is like a good photo. You wait for it sometimes. Sometimes you miss it completely. Sometimes you get it just right. But all told, the picture still happens out there somewhere even when it isn't recorded. The big picture, the history of man - as it is only partly recorded by millions of newspaper articles and books and lectures and talks and spray paint and chalk on the sidewalk - is forever and ever changed by the uncountable flecks of dust that float freely in our universe.
The beauty of being a fleck of dust is that you exist whether a shutter is exposed or not. You make a difference whether your actions are recorded or never again remembered by another human soul. The fact is that only you, yourself, can ever be a very good measure of you because you're the only judge around to see all your competitions.
But oh, I ramble on again, singing my song of tongues that people won't even try to understand. In here, this little brain space of mine, I assure you it all makes sense. The metaphors make sense, anyhow. I can't promise I get anymore than that.