My usual opening line - it's been awhile.. - is even more true than it's ever been but I can explain it this time. I'm just, it's.. I think..
And that's the problem; too much running around in the brain and nothing to tap it down. Too much input; a neural net so intertwined, where the outputs keep feeding back into the pile of spaghetti, and the inputs change faster than the rest of it can keep up. This isn't a cyclical problem, it's just a big
constant problem.
Too much.
I've become recalcitrant. You can't argue with anyone anymore because nothing is provable but everything is "true".
"I saw it in a magazine.."
"Bush said that.."
And when a disputant like myself finds himself in such an awful state (of place, not being) then it really ain't no fun anymore. Knowhatimean?
I guess in the meantime (whatever esoteric definition I intended for that to mean) you should just enjoy the pictures. Maybe I'll snap out of it someday.